Bruschetta och Filmvisning



Bokkafé Projektil, Uppsala



79 years ago, the partisan resistance liberated Italy from the fascist regime. Every year, the 25 of April is celebrated as the Liberation Day. Today, commemorating and practising anti-fascist resistance is more important than ever to stop the advance of the far-right and neofascist movements throughout Europe.

We warmly invite you to bring your instruments to play and sing together some of the resistance songs.

Köket serverar bruschette o/e tiramisu. Allt veganskt allt till kamratliga priser!

MENY: Bruschetta : 30 spänn Tiramisu: 20 spänn Kaffe: 10 spänn Te: 5 spänn Hembakt kaka/bulle: 15 spänn Kaffe och kaka/bulle: 20 spänn Palestina cola: 15 spänn Cuba Cola: 10 spänn

Info om filmen: Bandite" (Proietti, 2009), which narrates the experiences of the women who fought in the partisan formations from 1943 to 1945, revolutionising the traditional role assigned to them by the patriarchal society. The movie is in Italian with english subtitles.

Ora e sempre resistenza!

Ingen fika utan klasskamp - Ingen klasskamp utan fika!


Bokkafé Projektil
Alsikegatan 6
75323 Uppsala
